How does it work?

The 200 student studios on Gerbrandypad in Utrecht have a shared energy connection. As landlord, SSH purchases the electricity, water and district heat centrally. These are then divided fairly through the settlement of service costs for energy.

The financial administration for the service costs energy is carried out by InWarmte on behalf of SSH. In order to measure everything properly, SSH has asked InWarmte to install 4 intermediate meters in each meter box that measure the consumption of cold water, hot water, heat and electricity of each studio. Once a year (no later than 30 June of each calendar year), you will receive a settlement. In the meantime, you can view your consumption via InWarmte's customer portal.


  1. For the service charge settlement of energy, you can register via the sign up page. Once InWarmte has processed the application, you will receive a personal login for the customer portal. In the customer portal, you can follow the steps to complete your registration and enter into the 'service charge energy settlement agreement' with InWarmte.
  2. Each month, you will pay an advance of €60 for the use of cold water, hot water, heating and electricity. You can pay manually, via iDEAL or via direct debit to InWarmte's account number for this project: NL08 TRIO 0320 2665 40. The amount of the advance payment will be determined annually for all users.
  3. Met de geïncasseerde voorschotten betalen wij elke maand alle leveranciers zodat iedereen gebruik kan maken van water, warmte en elektriciteit. We houden een detailadministratie bij van ingekochte en doorgeleverde energie zodat u aan het van het jaar een overzicht servicekosten energie ontvangt.
  4. Through InWarmte's customer portal (accessible via you can view your consumption and advance payments. You can also change your payment preferences in the customer portal.
  5. You will receive a final or annual statement of service charges for energy once a year. You will receive this no later than 30 June of each calendar year. Even if you move house, you will not receive the final statement until the calendar year after you have moved away.


Monthly advance

We charge you a monthly advance. This advance payment consists of the fixed costs (standing charge) and estimated consumption costs. Your consumption depends on many factors. It is therefore impossible for SSH to accurately estimate your consumption straight away. In the case of newly completed houses, extra consumption must also be taken into account because there is still 'building moisture' in the house that needs to dry up. It is possible that 'windfalls' or 'setbacks' may occur in your final settlement due to incorrectly estimated consumption. Therefore, you cannot hold SSH responsible if we have estimated your consumption incorrectly. Over time, determining an appropriate advance payment will become increasingly more accurate.

Once a year, you will receive a final or financial statement based on your actual consumption.

  1. Did you pay too much with the monthly advance? Then you will get money back.
  2. Did you pay too little? Then you have to pay extra.


How do we determine the final or annual service cost accounts for energy?

To determine exactly how much 1 m3 of drinking water, 1 GJ of heat, 1 kWh of electricity costs, we need to purchase and pass on energy for a full calendar year. For each category, we add up all invoices and divide this amount to determine a price per unit. When we receive the last invoice for December, we know exactly what the fixed and variable costs are for water, heat and electricity. You will then pay 1 / 200th of the fixed costs and the part of the variable costs recorded by your intermediate meter. An overview of the advance invoices and total costs/consumption can be downloaded via InWarmte's customer portal. After the end of the calendar year, it can take up to 6 months for us to receive and process all invoices. You will therefore receive the final or annual statement of service charges for energy no later than 30 June of each subsequent calendar year.


Please note: All studios on the Gerbrandypad are collectively connected to energy, which means that in this building you do not have a free choice of energy supplier in this building. InWarmte does not supply the energy and is only responsible for settling the service costs energy. The water is supplied by Vitens, the district heating is supplied by Eneco and for the electricity the SSH selects a supplier that generates green electricity in the Netherlands.



The system, including meter box and consumption meters, is owned by the SSH. Each two properties have a joint meter cupboard. This is accessible to both tenants and the property manager. Handle the delivery set and consumption meter with care. Do not hang or mount anything on, on, above or below the meter. Do not put anything in the meter box either to prevent damage, leakage, malfunctions and especially fire. The place where the delivery set is located must be and remain easily accessible, for example for emergencies, malfunctions or for inspection or repair by or on behalf of SSH. Is something damaged or is the seal broken? If so, contact us immediately.